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* P R O G R A M B I O S Y S - 2 *
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* F O R *
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* I B M V S - F O R T R A N A N D O T H E R A N S I - *
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* S T A N D A R D F O R T R A N C O M P I L E R S *
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* BIOSYS-2 is a program for the comprehensive analysis of *
* electrophoretic data in population genetics and systematics. Its *
* capabilities include: *
* *
* (1) Computation of allele and genotype frequencies from raw data *
* (2) Computation of measures of genetic variability *
* (3) Testing for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium *
* (4) Calculation of Wright's F-statistics *
* (5) Heterogeneity chi-square analysis *
* (6) Computation of genetic similarity and distance coefficients *
* (7) Dendrogram construction using UPGMA, WPGMA, single-linkage, *
* or complete linkage cluster analysis; distance Wagner *
* procedure; and modified distance Wagner procedure *
* *
* A more complete presentation of the program's capabilities is *
* provided in Swofford and Selander (J. Heredity, 1981) or in the *
* accompanying user's guide. *
* *
* The program, user's guide (instructions and documentation), *
* and test data are available from: *
* *
* William C. Black IV *
* Department of Microbiology *
* Colorado State University *
* Ft. Collins, CO 80523 *
* *
* *
* Release 1.0: November 1981 (CDC version) *
* Release 1.1: November 1981 (IBM version) *
* Release 1.2: March 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-CDC) *
* Release 1.3: March 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-IBM) *
* Release 1.4: November 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS *
* and DISWAG-CDC) *
* Release 1.5: November 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-IBM) *
* Release 1.6: January 1985 (Fortran 77 conversion) *
* Release 1.7: August 1988 (IBM PC version) *
* Release 2.0: June 1997 (IBM PC version) *
* LINKDIS options, FSTAT modified, *
* BOOTDIST option *