BIOSYS2 Refactorization/Redimensioning/Recompilation

This page links to a version of BIOSYS2 modified from source originally maintained by William Black at Colorado State University. I modified the source to compile correctly using the GNU FORTRAN compiler (g77) under Cygwin. If this sounds daunting, don't worry. A Windows exectuable file, biosys2.exe, accompanies this distribution. Detailed instructions on how to use it are found in the README file. The distribution also contains test data sets and the expected output for comparison.

See the README file for other details.

osdistributionversionmd5 checksums
All 2.0 modified
For attribution's sake, I include the header from MAIN.FOR in Dr. Black's original source.

*                                                                       *
*                    P R O G R A M   B I O S Y S - 2                    *
*                                                                       *
*                                 F O R                                 *
*                                                                       *
*      I B M   V S - F O R T R A N   A N D   O T H E R   A N S I -      *
*                                                                       *
*          S T A N D A R D   F O R T R A N   C O M P I L E R S          *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*       BIOSYS-2 is a program for the comprehensive analysis of         *
*  electrophoretic data in population genetics and systematics.  Its    *
*  capabilities include:                                                *
*                                                                       *
*     (1) Computation of allele and genotype frequencies from raw data  *
*     (2) Computation of measures of genetic variability                *
*     (3) Testing for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium         *
*     (4) Calculation of Wright's F-statistics                          *
*     (5) Heterogeneity chi-square analysis                             *
*     (6) Computation of genetic similarity and distance coefficients   *
*     (7) Dendrogram construction using UPGMA, WPGMA, single-linkage,   *
*         or complete linkage cluster analysis; distance Wagner         *
*         procedure; and modified distance Wagner procedure             *
*                                                                       *
*  A more complete presentation of the program's capabilities is        *
*  provided in Swofford and Selander (J. Heredity, 1981) or in the      *
*  accompanying user's guide.                                           *
*                                                                       *
*       The program, user's guide (instructions and documentation),     *
*  and test data are available from:                                    *
*                                                                       *
*             William C. Black IV                                       *
*             Department of Microbiology                                *
*             Colorado State University                                 *
*             Ft. Collins, CO 80523                                     *
*                                                                       *
*       HISTORY OF UPDATES:                                             *
*                                                                       *
*            Release 1.0: November 1981 (CDC version)                   *
*            Release 1.1: November 1981 (IBM version)                   *
*            Release 1.2: March 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-CDC)         *
*            Release 1.3: March 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-IBM)         *
*            Release 1.4: November 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS           *
*                         and DISWAG-CDC)                               *
*            Release 1.5: November 1982 (bugs fixed in SIMDIS-IBM)      *
*            Release 1.6: January 1985 (Fortran 77 conversion)          *
*            Release 1.7: August 1988  (IBM PC version)                 *
*            Release 2.0: June 1997 (IBM PC version)                    *
*                         LINKDIS options, FSTAT modified,              *
*                         BOOTDIST option                               *

MAJ 05 Feb 2009