This URL serves as the namespace designator for a series of linked XML Schemas, designed by Fortinbras Research, that represent the Los Alamos National Laboratories' HIV Sequence Database.
The schemas describe the XML message to be returned by a planned web
service interface to the LANL HIV DB, hivqs
We hope to roll out an experimental version in
the next few weeks; stay tuned to
the update blog for
the latest developments.
The Fortinbras query interface
to the HIV DB provides an option for downloading annotations in XML
valid against HIVDBSchema/1.0
XSD file | Subversion revision | md5 checksums |
hivqSchema.xsd | 15618 | hivqSchema.md5 |
hivqAnnotSeqType.xsd | 15618 | hivqAnnotSeqType.md5 |
hivqComplexTypes.xsd | 15618 | hivqComplexTypes.md5 |
hivqSimpleTypes.xsd | 15618 | hivqSimpleTypes.md5 |