HIVQ.PL - A command-line query interface to
the Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database

hivq.PL is a Perl script that implements a convenient command-line way to query the Los Alamos National Laboratories' HIV Sequence Database. It uses the same query language as HIVQuery, and employs BioPerl modules.

Please see the sequence query tutorial for help understanding and writing queries. Details of the query language are described here.

A full installation of BioPerl is recommended, but not required. The distribution code contains the required BioPerl modules, which will be installed on your machine if it lacks BioPerl.

Click for full documentation of hivq.PL usage and features. Read the INSTALL and README files that accompany the distribution.

For Windows users, there is an executable file available. Unzip the distribution into any directory, and make sure the file lanl-schema.xml remains in the directory from which you run hivq.exe.

osdistributionversionmd5 checksums
UN*X/LINUX/Cygwin hivq.tar.gz 0.1(beta)
Windows/Perl 0.1(beta) hivq.z.md5
Windows .exe 0.1(beta) hivq.ez.md5

Comments and bug reports to the author.

NOTE: The author is not affiliated with the Los Alamos National Laboratories, nor is this site associated with the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The author provides this site as a convenience to the research community only, and can only answer questions having to do with this interface. LANL's bioinformaticians can be contacted here.

All results provided by this software are for RESEARCH USE ONLY. The author makes ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY on their suitability for any application, and assumes no responsibility for any adverse consequences, including but not limited to adverse clinical consequences, in any situation involving the use of results obtained from this software.

FR icon 30 Jan 2009